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air on a leisure string, Page 10

CS: The Revenge

When last we left our heroes… HD TIVO had just arrived. In the Temple of Technology, there is no shortage of ways …

I live

Once again, real life is interesting enough for me that I have not been bogged down with updates. This is a good …

after the laughter

So, November was a record month for me in terms of output, both at work, in personal life, and here on the …

I’ve been busy

I’ve been living life. I’ve been outside, inside out, you might say. That’s pretty much all. Just wanted to refresh the page, …

Heading in

to an interesting weekend of fun. Several proto-offerings, then a week of relaxation. there are still tasks to be done, and tales …

Taking a break

Before posting up some more of Chapter 5, and continuing in that vein. I am already a winner, but must defend it …

quick update

not a lot of work today, the convention has been occupying my time, and allowing my brain to recharge a bit. I …