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crazy weight loss, Page 3

Dear Universe,

This is me, not writing today. Vegetables were acquired, consumed, and now are slowly turning into undigestable fiber in my Belly. Yumm. …

Note to self, 9:38 AM

That hollow, spinning feeling? Easily avoided by having acceptable food in the house. Go the the store, moron. Have some veggies. they …


Back to bed, read another 80 pages of Saberhagen, and then fell into blessed sleep. Four hours later, I’m up, showered, and …

Damn you, Chapter 21!

I have a problem. I just realized that Book One ends in either C.19 (68.5K words) or C.21 (72.5K). It is for …

Push, push

A slightly longer than intended bout of writing last night took me deep into C 19, the largest and most involved section …


It’s 3 AM, go figure. Last night, I pushed on from my success with Chapter 10 all the way to the end …

Bastard, take two

Just whacked another one. Sorry, dude, but technically, your mother had been dead for about 20 years. You were there, don’t you …

Proces, updatery, and stuff

If you are bored, uninterested, or otherwise don’t care about how, what, and when I write, Tough. My pages, my words. Warning …

4 hours

Could have been worse. I woke up 30 or so minutes ago for the final time, with ideas buzzing in my brain. …

Nom, comma, nom

more cat pictures No work today, must let lessons gleaned from new book sink in. Time for video games instead, now that …