Too Busy
to update. let me sum up
to update. let me sum up
is da debbil Witness the following exchange. The Mariners are coming back into town for their final homestand next week, and I …
Once again, I have been going through life and enjoying the hell out of it over the last few weeks. Not a …
Fiber is your friend. I think I just lost 2 lbs. and gained 7 discs of paranormal activity. Can’t wait to meet …
Still with the not well. I have received the very medical definition of “you’re just sick” from my HCP, so fluids and …
For the first Thursday in well over a month (closer on two), I left “work” before Midnight What an interesting experience.
So here’s my Wednesday. After a modest 10 hours in the Pit (on orders, which I have been following diligently and will …
What a weekend. All sorts of things took place. Here’s the synopsis.
So I just finished updating Year 1 of the main site, with meta-taggy goodness. I Believe I got them all coordinated from …
In which Bhagwan (Protagonist) Fails his save versus… Shopping. But first, a humorous interlude. Not that Shopping isn’t funny, because it TOTALLY …