Chapter the Fourth: The Ides of May
Musings. Stardate, 11:51 PM I will keep this short, for once again I have verged upon the witching hour. Short, being a …
Musings. Stardate, 11:51 PM I will keep this short, for once again I have verged upon the witching hour. Short, being a …
In which our hero experiences a day in reverse, for purposes of the narrative 12:20 AM Bhagwan begins to type on the …
In which Bhagwan (Protagonist) Fails his save versus… Shopping. But first, a humorous interlude. Not that Shopping isn’t funny, because it TOTALLY …
The Exercise: “Comment (in this space) and I’ll give you a topic for either a top five or a top ten.” I …
I made a promise to myself not to discuss very personal matters here on this site. It is meant as a window …
Go figure. Not a lot into this space in the last few days, I’ve been dead tired, recovering from the week that …