May 5
Roll call: Scott Magner, Erik Mona, Minnesota Twins, Joel Piniero’s ERA Final Score: Twins 5, Mariners 1: Roof = open. One of …
Roll call: Scott Magner, Erik Mona, Minnesota Twins, Joel Piniero’s ERA Final Score: Twins 5, Mariners 1: Roof = open. One of …
Roll call: Scott Magner, STAN!, Minnesota Twins, Jamie Moyer, Raul Ibanez Final Score: Twins 3, Mariners 4: Roof = closed, then open. …
Ow. Deep hurting describes these days of my life. A 3 and 6 road trip, in which the M’s only led in …
Three of my teams made it to the second round. (poor, Poor canucks) Maning that there is one playoff series I can …
April 22 Roll call: Scott Magner, Sonja Baron, Oakland Athletics, and some guys, you know Final Score: A’s 8, Mariners 2: Roof …
Roll call: Scott Magner, Sonja Baron, Oakland Athletics, Raul Ibanez Final Score: A’s 7, Mariners 4: Roof = open. Sonja’s third game, …
Roll call: Scott Magner, James Hamilton, Oakland Athletics, Raul Ibanez and some other guys Final Score: A’s 1, Mariners 2: Roof = …
So much has happened in the last ten days, I hardly know where to start. So I’m not going to. It’s been …
Roll call: Scott Magner, Rick Pfeil, Oakland Athletics, Raul Ibanez and friends Final Score: A’s 1, Mariners 2: Roof = Closed. FREE …
Roll call: Scott Magner, STAN!, Texas Rangers, Raul Ibanez Final Score: Rangers 2, Mariners 4: Roof = open. I managed to talk …