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Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interestsâ€. You then explain your choice of them in …
Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interestsâ€. You then explain your choice of them in …
lie the following truths Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interests”. You then explain your …
Stolen without reservation from my favoritest ever perkygoth (of the cupcake variety) Write yourself a dating ad (in which you assume that …
Feel like crap, can’t sleep. Clown won’t get me, but the memes will.
So I just finished updating Year 1 of the main site, with meta-taggy goodness. I Believe I got them all coordinated from …
Take a while. Roughly a month ago, I got a second generation tag from the Alliterates Seven Random Facts Meme. What made …
1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of …
I’ve finally found something on a friend’s blog that I want to repost Yay, Us. (from Puck, through Warren, through “Darkyoung”) Take …