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Movies, Page 4

You need a Doctor. Who?

Near the end of November, 1963, several very important things happened. I’m not going obfuscate, the most important thing that happened that …

A Tale of Two Gift Cards

I’m the kind of consumer who sees things I or someone else would like, and then buys it. There doesn’t have to …

Two months is a long time

I’m not even going to try and summarize. Added categories which should catch just about everything to this post. So I guess …

Enter the land of Sadness

Tivo has died. Not cable, not cable service or the tuner card tivo uses to speak to them, but Tivo itself. Less …

20 something progress

Look, I don’t care if you think it’s funny. I’m continuing with the theme, and that’s that. It’s my idiom. Anoher 2500 …


2400 and change today including these words : “This is all crap , start over.” After struggling for several hours with both …

18 and words to go

Fought and clawed my way through another 1100 words today, mostly dialog. I decided to start in on another story, since the …

Writing for the weekend

So in the last two days, I may well have written more words about writing than I’ve officially commited to the page. …