So Here’s the Deal
Once upon a time, I wrote a science fiction novel about a space virus that changes what it means to be human. …
Once upon a time, I wrote a science fiction novel about a space virus that changes what it means to be human. …
So I won’t bury the lede here, I own a lot of movies. And yes, they all bring me joy. Further, despite …
Of late, I’ve heard and read a lot of negative commentary for Star Wars: Episode I: the Phantom Menace. About how it’s …
Attention grabbing headlines draw the eye. But attention grabbing reviews achieve the same result, and today the first one for Seasons of …
That’s what I’ve got left in my current fiction project. 6 pages of story outline, consisting of 2 chapters and an epilogue …
When I was young, I was told a number of lies about giving gifts. The first and most egregious of these was …
When I was 15, there was a wall separating my friends from their families. My hair was sprayed in place. Music was …
A few minutes ago, I crossed the 30K word mark for National Novel Writing Month. Given some of the other things I’ve …
So here it is, my official Star Wars Rant. Three years from now, there will be a new Star Wars movie, 16 …
Perhaps not as much monkey as we were led to beleive. So much the better. Today is the first day in a …