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science!, Page 3

Ugh, ick, and bleh

I sit before you with a foul taste in my mouth, proof that grounds can indeed go “bad” even if stored in …

In other news, again, with feeling

Last night’s wrestling match with the interests has finally granted me the blazing fast internet speeds I have not yet been charged …

I am

Officially really, REALLY broke, but my bills are mostly caught up, and I am one cable away from the last piece of …

Push, push

A slightly longer than intended bout of writing last night took me deep into C 19, the largest and most involved section …

Proces, updatery, and stuff

If you are bored, uninterested, or otherwise don’t care about how, what, and when I write, Tough. My pages, my words. Warning …

Back to the World

I’m not going to recap the convention directly. Not only would it take too much time, but I don’t think I could …

Damn, with a helping of Damn.

Something was bothering me last night, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. It started when I was reviewing my …

Math is cool

I’ve just performed a complex series of calculations, for a purpose I can’t go into at present. Perhaps two people in this …

Adventures in High Definition

So, this weekend was a glorious time spent enjoying the recent purchases I had made for home theater. Namely, my HD-DVD player, …