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wayback machine, Page 16

Bring It!

SO, more or less, this song has been in my head at least once every day since I first saw it. I …

Make plans!

To make plans I am soooo going. who’s with me

A note…

Really don’t have time for this, but here I GO. I am addicted to commentary tracks and special features. by expolring a …

7 more

Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interests”. You then explain your choice of them in …

October 3, 2005

A break from the grind had me perusing the memories section of my LJ account. It came across one of the first …

A year of war

One year ago today, I started playing World Of Warcraft. At this time, I have the following “active” characters, none of whom …

Bhagwan @ Large, year 1

So I just finished updating Year 1 of the main site, with meta-taggy goodness. I Believe I got them all coordinated from …

Wayback Machine

These five questions came to me from Stan! when I was in an odd headspace. I think I’m ready to answer them …

Words and music by…

(ed: this post is 14 months late. I’ve been meaning to write it the entire time, and just never was in the …

Just another Day

I hate shopping. I’m far too good at it. Because the “bargain” will catch my eye like nothing else, but at relatively …