In 6 hours, my feet will no longer hug the earth as I wend my way east to destiny. Or Columbus, Ohio. …
In 6 hours, my feet will no longer hug the earth as I wend my way east to destiny. Or Columbus, Ohio. …
Or, how I finally managed to update my website. I’ll admit it, I don’t pay nearly enough attention to this site. It’s …
I’m not even going to try and summarize. Added categories which should catch just about everything to this post. So I guess …
Tivo has died. Not cable, not cable service or the tuner card tivo uses to speak to them, but Tivo itself. Less …
Not a typo. Weighed in for the first time in two months, and was neither surprised nor pleased by the result. I …
Perhaps not as much monkey as we were led to beleive. So much the better. Today is the first day in a …
It is the year 2010. 30 years have passed since the first computers appeared in homes. 60 years since machines capable of …
In just a few hours, we’ll be leaving the Johnson Family compound and heading back North up I-5. The trip has been …
Fair warning, this post will be long. It’s been a good couple of weeks, full of all sorts of interesting happenings. For …
So I’m awake. There’s not all that much to say about that. The Melatonin pills may or may not be working, the …