Hearts of Iron

Now Available!
Now Available!

In May of 2013, I released a novella as part of the Foreworld Saga, published through their partners at 47North.

While not technically part of The Mongoliad, there are hooks both before and after my piece into that epic book (and I use that term un-ironically), and I think it fits well into the greater shared world.

The purpose of this page is to tell you about that book, starting with the process of getting it to market. The links below are to articles I’ve written about Hearts of Iron and the Foreworld in general, and should get you up to speed with minimal navigation. Since this is a permanent page linked to both the main menu and my author information, it’s something I intend to update a bit more often than some other portions of this site.

Please take a walk with me into the 11th Century, to meet some friends of mine named William, Drogo, and Humphrey. They’re not just knights, they’re Normans, and have a rather unique worldview compared to the fighting men and nobles they associate with.

I hop you’ll come to like them as much as I have over the last few months.

Scott James Magner
May 15, 2013

The Medieval Knight

The Campaign Begins

24 days out

21 days out

19 days out

14 days out

13 days out

12 days out

10 days out

8 days out

7 days out

6 days out

5 days out

4 days out

3 days out

Special Facebook Announcement

Launch Day

Facebook Release party

Read the 1st Chapter

Online Author Reading

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