Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Or, How I spent My Weekend Doing Nothing.

Basically, my accomplishments for the weekend are: moving a character from 4th to 5th level, moving another from 29th to 30th, completely forgetting how to play my 37th level character(dying 4 times in the process, with a team that was not well suited to my needs), and starting a brand new character.

Only one of the above was pertaining to Dungeons and Dragons, which is somewhat shocking to me. 3 years ago, I was running the biggest D&D campaign in the world, and still collecting money for doing so. I was living in Wallingford (three blocks from my current residence), looking for a real job, and deciding not to attend the full convention of GenCon, since I wanted to be available for work on the weekedays it would involve.

Dumbass. I had the free ride, I should have milked the GenCon for all it was worth.

That weekend had other implications, which I’ll go into in another post.

Needless to say, I’m going this year. And I’m not paying for a damn thing. Take that, D&D!

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