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Thrilling tales of yesteryear

Over the last 8-ish years, I’ve written numerous articles about my company En Masse Entertainment, and the games we publish. Today, I …

Bleep Em!

No pictures today. No sales pitch, save for an appeal to sanity. I do have a lot of book related news to …

Now It Can Be Told…Again

So I’ve been a bit silent as to what I was doing with my days over the last few months, mainly because …


It’s been an odd month here at the casa. I almost blogged many times. Almost. Why I didn’t is a matter of …

The Sweet Taste of Success

A few years ago, I worked at a hobby games company here in Seattle. I realize that given my resume this isn’t …

The Next Big Thing

As passive-aggressive memes go, this one’s actually somewhat interesting. Whether or not some of them know it, writers like to talk about …

So that just happened

Ah, Marketing ™. Have you no shame? Of course, the answer is no. I know this, because once upon a time I …

Goodbye, old friend. Again

I’m thinking back to a party I attended/held a few years ago. As often happens, the menfolk self-segregated and began talking about …

It has begun…

This morning, my employer En Masse Entertainment announced sign-ups for Beta tests on our new game, TERA. It’s been a crazy, eventful …