
For once, a long weekend in which actual relaxation occured. I feel rested, renewed, and my cough has mostly subsided. Looks like this outbreak has passed, leaving me with a low level cold/flu on the back end. Not that big of a deal, in the long run.

As is often the case when I have free time, I spent a lot of this weekend right here in front of the computer, playing City of Heroes. The new “issue” is a lot of fun, no matter what some reactionary folks think. However, many characters took a substantial decrease in power, and are no longer “viable” in their current forms.

The game had a balance issue before which allowed certain archetypes an amazing amount of defense. Combined with a small selection of powers, these characters were capable of Kryptonian style adventuring, with just one small drawback. This combination were powered down, and the defense of all characters was reduced to more or less equal (within their archetype), and the quality and quantity of enemies a single character could face successfully has been reduced.

I did manage to spend some time in front of the television, watching Felix Hernandez deliver yet another stellar performance. The kid’s got an arm, this much can be said for him. And another seldom enjoyed experience, I was able to nap to the game, letting it impact on my near consciousness. I must admit, I love doing that on a weekend afternoon.