living in between heartbeats

lie the following truths

Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interests”. You then explain your choice of them in your journal and iterate the meme.

questions from the Queen of the Surface Streets

So, funny story. I care very little about most of my “interests”, as listed @ Bhagwan Redux. I have populated my list by noting what people I find interesting are claiming, and deciding what about it fits my worldview.

In essence, the very reason for this here meme.

However, I have obtained clarity from the gracious one as follows:

the theory here that i’m looking more for personal connection-type responses, rather than definition responses.

So here goes

duels Dueling is the one true sport. In which two skilled contestants of some discipline compete for a mutually exclusive goal. Also, crime rates are generally lower when sophonts are able to resolve their differences in an unequivocal fashion.

Plus, (speaking of swords specifically), you really have to try to kill someone in a duel. most times, simply scoring a point is sufficient. Any idiot can kill with a gun or bow. But a sword took training, and lots of it.

early christianity I like history as a whole, but the period surrounding the formation of the third largest world religion is particularly fascinating. In all of recorded history, there has been only one other time in as much turmoil, change, and societal flux as that one.

And we’re living in it.

grant morrison C’mon. Grant. Freaking. Morrison! The man had the stones to write himself into his own comic book.


And he killed himself off the second time.

I like his outlook on life, He’s a miserable, jaded bastard, who is not afraid to ask real questions about hard truths. Also re: Warren Ellis.

mocking pink things I got nothin’ This is so self evident, that to me, it’s a mystery that only I, and him that I copied it from, have selected this.

secret history See above for Early Christianity for most of my thoughts on this. But specifically, this is in reference to the mostly concluded comic book opus Planetary, as created by Ellis/Cassaday/Martin (Dupuy). Read it, or else.

tramp steamers Lifted from my Brother the Monkey King. When I take my secret journey, I will ride at least one. The road goes ever on and on…

wood for sheep
You gots you a dirty mind. Lifted from teh Julz. Me, I like pounding sheep into bricks.

Or perhaps you were thinking of something else…