Castia, Level 60 Shaman
Level 59 happened early last week, just never got around to posting it. 60 would have hit Saturday afternoon, but I was called out into the real world for fun and fantastic prizes.
Well, fun anyway. Couldn’t sleep, so I decided to grind the last few bars down in Silithus. Until our group is going to meet in the Outlands more regularly, I’m going to explore the rest of this zone that I ignored when my Druid dinged 60 at the end of last year.
Also, I am now “officially” a real player, since I have multiple 60s. Of course, the level cap is 70 these days, but I hear tell that happens pretty fast out in the new areas.
Just in time for me to stop playing for a month, and start writing.
Training up skills and abilities should take me about 50 gold.
next in line for rapid advancement are a Level 35 warrior, level 29 priest, a level 25 mage, and a level 25 rogue.
Or not.