Five on 5
5 Questions, from Chas “kistha” H.
For those of you who came in late, there are rules.
1. Leave a comment here, indicating that you want some deep , probing questions. Or soft, playful ones. Or really, any damn sort of questions I feel like asking.
2. I give you some.
3. You answer them in your own space, and post some version of these here rules.
So, the Connoisseur of Difficulty queries:
1. What is your favorite thing about going to cons?
Seeing friends and associates living far away. Nostalgia, sales on used books games, and genre items.
And learning new things. I’m one of those annoying people that attends paneling. Of late, I’ve been trying to kickstart my writing career, and I’ve been rebuilding my “rolodexâ€
2. Do you miss LARPing, if so what do you miss most?
I miss the nostalgic feeling of Role-playing gaming, whether it be live action, tabletop, or otherwise. I really do enjoy the practice, but I’m just too damn old to hang out with “the kids†anymore.
Plus, at least once during every gaming session I’ve had in the last few years, I’ve just wanted to punch someone. Hard.
That tends to not get you invited back. 3 years ago, I was gearing up to play a Faith and Fire campaign, and was summoning up all my MalKaviAN goodness.
But life got in the way.
3. Where/how did you get your love of music?
My mother. Music was our constant companion, the “third member†of our family. I played records, 8 tracks, tapes and anything I could get my hands on. We also read constantly, and watched movies.
4. “Discussion” or “Debate”?
I prefer Discussion, as it allows for a more relaxed exchange. Debate is only possible among equals.
5. What is the one thing you like best about your life as it is today?
The people in it that make it better. Friends and Family. I’m not in the best place, but it’s far from the worst I’ve ever inhabited.
I also have a kick ass home theater.
I also like that I’m writing again. Not as much as I would like, but after years of whinging about it, I can now “put up.â€
And finally, the 5 questions meme (and associated variants) are circulating again. Answering questions makes me ask them of myself. That’s never a bad thing.