Mandatory weekly update

Although there is really not that much to tell. Several projects I have been working on have concluded positively, but several more are in the offing. I’ve been playing my video game, reading books, and watching television.

This last weekend involved a lot of dairy, bread, and nuts. Correspondingly, the last cycle was completely erased, and Monday morning I was greeted with 191 (Friday’s touchdown was 179)

This morning, I looked down upon 182, with 6 days to go. It’s absolutely amazing what Fiber and Hydration will do for a body. Also, sick as a dog who is not well, so the body is working overtime with the burning of burnable things.

Consequence. Not sleeping well. I have adapted by adding a “Second Shift” to the evening, starting around 3 AM. That’s when I have to get up from sleeping on the couch and go into the bedroom to sleep.

Last week, I picked up a very large lot of cds from someone of Craigslist, and have been listening to them in the back ground. It’s been nice to have music playing again, and it reminds me that I do indeed need to rescan all of my discs at a higher bit rate, and then down sample them for use in mobile devices. this will take some amount of memory, but at present I have 70Gig unused on my 180 gig drive, and 45 gig of the present usage is mp3s, and another 47G is Tivo recordings.

Should be fun

I’m trying to pull together a Card night at the casa. Tentative plans are for Hold-em, weekly, Wednesday Night, 7:30. I have three soft commitments that I’d like to turn into 6-7 regular players.

Tonight, Happy Hour at the Icon Grill. Followed most probably by a showing of Iron Man at the Majestic Bay in Ballard.

That’s pretty much it.