Progress, such as it is

5-6000 words today, depending on how you count it. Some words were removed, some others were altered.

But I can now announce that Chapters 1-10 are Done. Complete.


355 Manuscript pages, which in theory are ready to go.

That’s a happy thought.

And really, a full day of work. I had planned to go out for a ride earlier today, possibly two. Now, I’m going to make a brief run down to the store, but stick around for a few more hours and play me some


Yay me.

Sadly, of Chapters 11-17, I can not say as much. Of those, only two are presently “finished”, although there also existan Interlude and an Epilogue that are. 4 of them are plotted, but essentially unwritten. One is half-written, and two others have been “started.” The challenge fore hte rest of this week is to finish 11 and 12, so that the second “act” will be complete.

Literary surprises for today:

The Hero has arrived again. can’t keep that guy down, really. He’s pushing himself into places where he should not be, but I managed to tone him back a bit. I had to introduce a character that I did not even know existed today. I discovered his name last week, and had previously written him in as “ST. XXX” So I had to make him live, Kill him, and then find some reason for him to be where he was, after he was where he was before.

Should any of you ever read this book (Fingers crossed), you’ll know instantly what I am talking about.

At least, I hope you will. I still think that particular bit is a touch sparse, so I may go back to it a little tomorrow.

But right now, I’m cutting into my video game time.