Thursday, it must be Summer

2400 more words on Chapter 11 today, in roughly the time I put in yesterday. I have decided that Chapter 11 needed to become chapter 11 and 12, so increased plotting has occurred.

As a result I’m pretty sure that Act II will not be completed this week. The flip side is that there is now a more human feel to it, and it’s not nearly so rushed as it was before . What is now Chapter 13 will be much more plausible, both for good and bad.

Trip Report: Shark Boy and Lava Girl was much more child-oriented than I thought it was, but it was very pretty. It was less well put together than Spy Kids, but Rodriguez did direct a fine movie for kids. I washed my palate after wards with Beverly Hills Cop.

Much better now.

Time now for Fruit, the meal I purposely did not purchase yesterday. Mmm, fruit.

And then, there will be video games