Well, look at the time.
Almost forgot to eat Meal #3, had to force myself out of the chair to go do it.
I started typing, you see, and i added some words to chapter 01 (see what I did there?) of Book Two so that it can better serve as an introduction to a separate book, but still is enough to remind you of the story so far if this ends up being one long book.
Having just read it from start to finish as an Editor, I can go both ways.
As such, I completely failed to play video games, and Meal #4 is currently 30 minutes overdue. Also, I have once again failed to collect Breakfast for tomorrow, even though I TOTALLY WENT TO THE STORE THIS MORNING.
About 14 hours ago.
If you can read this, I totally need just 4 eggs. The cast aside but not thrown away for some reason yolks in the fridge will not an omelette make.
New words for the day come in at ~5000, if you count edits and clarification. While I did not finish the full sales outline for Book #2, I’ll do it first thing tomorrow morning, then move things over to Word docs and PDFs for “show”
On the topic of #2. Word count (counting Chapter 010) is just shy of 88K, . Fleshing out the stage directions will bring the book right to 100K, and that might be where it stays for a while unless I discover some chapter that has not been written.
There are really very few places where it can be structurally improved, at least for me. Splitting it into two volumes took care of most of my problems with the story. There are two chapters in which I can lay in some more action, but I like the current length and flow of those. I don’t want to get to deep into how things look and smell, so I’m most probably at the limit of edits I can do before I get it to the readers.
All line and copy edits for both manuscripts are finished, and I have my volunteers already lined up.
Still hungry, still not eaten food remains still not cooked yet.