Back at it

After a week of no writing (no progress, anyway), I managed to spend a couple hours this afternoon and better flesh out the backstory to reflect the current state of all three books.

so what I’m saying is

31294 / 50000 words. 63% done!

A gain of 3895 on the day. Tomorrow I’ll do some more character work, assembling better chronologies for the main and secondary characters.

You know, the ones named in the Outline necessary to submit this damn thing to someone who will pay me for it (them).

It’s a fine day of college football.

I think I’ll now go and play video games for several hours.

Later, I may play actual games, if I can convince folks to come by the house and watch movies and stuff. This might require me to clean, or at least do the dishes, so it requires more thought.

Also, I’m out of diet soda. It’s far away at the store. Something must be done, I think.

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