New Year, Old Life

Not a lot I felt like writing about in the last month, but all sorts of nice things did happen to me.

So here I am, On a lazy Saturday in January. There is a Science Fiction Convention happening this weekend, of which I had no real knowledge before last weekend. Since last year’s show was such an absolute waste of monies content wise, I’m glad that I have none to speak of this time around.

I am Sick, again, and have more than a little of the crazy about me lately. I have puzzled out some important changes to the Book , but have yet to put digital pen to digital paper. I am writing things in my head, which I am assured counts.

And this morning, I woke up with another concept burning in my head. It started as something much different, but when I began writing it down, all the pieces fell into place, and it is a very interesting story. Since it made it into the brown notebook, I guess I’ll have to write it someday. This is definitely a novel-length idea, as are the last two sci-fi mysteries I came up with. I’ll just have to see where it takes me.

I weighed myself for the first time in a month today, and the result was 10 lbs less than what I thought it would be. I seem to have weathered the fake holiday season and my resultant bread addiction unchanged, and sit here a healthy (relatively speaking), very achy and hungry 190. Almost all the pants and most of the shirts fit, which is a good sign for me going forward. but if some more money comes rolling in, I’m definitely going to go back on plan.

Speaking of which, the 8th month of exile from productive society has begun. I have exactly what I had last month, (prospects), with more or less the same result (less money). pounding those pavements each digital day is not doing much for my mood at all, but I do have video games and thick paperbacks to help me through the rough bits.

And that’s your 10 minute update. Did I mention that I’m hungry? I think I’ll go get me some coffee beverage and scones.