5, 5, 5 more questiooooons

It’s cold outside, and that usually means introspection. But instead, we have the internet, and the much anticipated return of the party classic interrogative:


The rules are simple. You indicate your willingness to be asked questions (as I have done to the VOICE OF PI), and then answer them in your own time and webspace, along with these here rules.

Let us begin.

1. You are a fellow single malt fan :). What is the best scotch you’ve ever tasted?

Best is such a loaded question. Entirely subjective, and not a true indicator of quality. I can tell you the most enjoyable scotch I’ve ever sampled, the Balwhinnie 29. It was particularly poignant because we were a) drinking it at work, and b) drinking it with people who were not 29. Also, it was tasty. I have the last dram of it stored away here in the casa, waiting the sale of one of these books.

2. If we were playing Settlers of Catan, would you trade me a brick for two rock?

The complex negotiations involved in any commodities trade require careful study and planning. Resources do nothing if simply stockpiled, so I would consider a few factors before commiting to the trade.

a) which of us builds first
b) which of us has the most visible victory points
c) how likely I am to get two rock from the board before you get one brick.
d) whose turn it is. If it’s mine, I’m far more likely to be building first (see a above) and I also have more options for moving the extra brick or rock.

Since I need 3 rock and 2 wheet for a citiy, this trade works in my favor,and I’d most likely do it. But I’d still run downt he checklist above first.

Asking a game designer about Settlers, you should expect this kind of response.

3. What is the wackiest RPG world/setting you’ve played in?

Again with the Subjective Superlatives. This one’s easy to answer, though. It’s Tales From the Floating Vagabond. Hands down, one of the craziest and fun filled world/systems I’ve ever experienced. A close runner-up is the Original Ghostbusters game, with the sequel (GBI) as a less enjoyable, but still rollicking, alternative.

4. How did you meet my dear friend, Janna?

Janna and I have been occasional co-workers and frequent co-orbiters since I first moved to Seattle in the late 90s. However, she does not remember our first meeting, so it really doesn’t count. If you asked her, she’d tell you it was at RadCon 07, after Paul Carpentier made a big hullabaloo that she would enjoy my company. But she had also seen me 14 months earlier at my friend Chris and Jennifer’s X-mas party, and before that….

5. I met you two (or so) years ago. We have yet to hang out again, even though we live in the same city. How can this be fixed?

I was planning on attending the scotch party we came up with that night, but things got a bit wacky for me right after that period. I’m certainly open to the option of hanging out, but I don’t drive, and my SO does not drink. The two are not related, so planing things in advance helps. What did you have in mind?