Hello, Summer
Sure, it’s a couple days early, but the cats don’t seem to mind.
I have one on my lap right now, whose presence has completely derailed what I was going to write. Silly, silly gato.
No-one is likely to care but me, but the page links at left are messed up right now. when upgrating this theme, they “came loose” from their locations, and I need to get them synced up again. No real biggie, but given the frequency with which I do not update, folks might be lonely for content I ignore on a regular basis.
Or not.
If memory serves, they should be the following:
http://www.bhagwanx.com/everything/ ‎
(redirect to bhagwanx.com)
The cat has gone off to groom herself, leaving me free to type without sneezing (total lie, I just did). With a hypothetical batch of medical test coming up, I’ve decided to go back on the Bun. I’m talking bread, baby, pain be damned. I need to know what’s happened to my body in the last couple years, and if there’s been any sort of “improvement” in my condition. To whit, there’s a class of blood tests that more or less require me to eat something I know is bad for me.
Sandwiches are nice too. I would like to have some, yes I would. I bought bread for the first time in a year today, as well as pre-made pizza crusts. I’m not going to stop baking the “good” stuff, but for a while I’ll be adding in regular, glutinous goodness to my diet.
More in a bit, but I can say that I’m already feeling the effects in my joints. It could also be the two hours of drumming I did today in emulation of Ringo Starr. Only time will tell.