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Day 9

Possible Possibility

I have a possible hit for a job here in Seattle (Eastside, but hey). Will know more in a couple days, but …

Bastard, take two

Just whacked another one. Sorry, dude, but technically, your mother had been dead for about 20 years. You were there, don’t you …

Proces, updatery, and stuff

If you are bored, uninterested, or otherwise don’t care about how, what, and when I write, Tough. My pages, my words. Warning …

Never say Never…

So, yesterday, when I made a statement that I didn’t see a way to improve the timing of the manuscript of Book …

Well, look at the time.

Almost forgot to eat Meal #3, had to force myself out of the chair to go do it. I started typing, you …

definitely a good day

“Hamburger, any toppings” today was Meat lasagna left from Sunday night’s Spagetti factory feast. any toppings quickly became, and this bag of …


Price yet to be determined But so, so worth it My spreadsheets will be simply amazing on that screen. Also, you know …

It’s back, teh intarwebs

All of it. I did nothing but sit here, write, and watch Shatner. Behold, his healing powers. to coin a phrase, Fascinating. …

Run, Runner!

So on amazingly short notice (for me), I decided to take in a special screening of Blade Runner: the Final Cut at …

Tasty Evil

I come to you a broken and Repaired man. That Banana Split Sunday night was amazingly tasty. If you want to share …