Ow, redux.
I had exactly one drink last night, and today I feel “worse” than I did after Friday night’s “fun.” The reason? Yesterday’s …
I had exactly one drink last night, and today I feel “worse” than I did after Friday night’s “fun.” The reason? Yesterday’s …
I need to get pretty serious about whether or not I am still a Writer (capital letter). Clearly, I am no longer …
Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interestsâ€. You then explain your choice of them in …
Stolen without reservation from my favoritest ever perkygoth (of the cupcake variety) Write yourself a dating ad (in which you assume that …
Once again, I have been going through life and enjoying the hell out of it over the last few weeks. Not a …
In which Bhagwan cooks for everyone, and serves two (possibly three) So it’s no secret that I like to cook. I am …
Am I ever hammered right now. ’nuff said. but damn, drunk ass Bhagwan. Tags appropriate.
For the first Thursday in well over a month (closer on two), I left “work” before Midnight What an interesting experience.
What a weekend. All sorts of things took place. Here’s the synopsis.
So I just finished updating Year 1 of the main site, with meta-taggy goodness. I Believe I got them all coordinated from …