These people are CRAZY
Really, why is there a debate? My entry, to spare you the 5 minutes of pain that is reading their replies. there …
Really, why is there a debate? My entry, to spare you the 5 minutes of pain that is reading their replies. there …
Thanks for the warning, fellas. (from scifiwire) Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, co-writers of Michael Bay’s upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, …
These are always full of interesting things. And each new post undoubtedly brings still more interesting things. You can ONLY answer Yes …
I dawned on me this morning that the main reason I was not using Netflix’s watch instantly feature was that I did …
None of you can see it, and few of you will, but the room in which I sit has undergone a major …
Nailed down another chapter today and prepped a new one, following last night’s session of outlining and discovery. Some of the words …
I have a possible hit for a job here in Seattle (Eastside, but hey). Will know more in a couple days, but …
After a week of no writing (no progress, anyway), I managed to spend a couple hours this afternoon and better flesh out …
Today was a day of great job searching, with the accumulated emails of hte entire weekend hitting all at once. Apparently there …
I decided to knuckle down with some crime drama and Anime this morning, which stretched into the early afternoon. With this in …