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road trip, Page 6

Can’t help myself

Come Hook or by Crook, in 32 minutes’ time, I will have World SEries Tickets. I’m freaking giddy, I tell you. And …

Ow, redux.

I had exactly one drink last night, and today I feel “worse” than I did after Friday night’s “fun.” The reason? Yesterday’s …

Flights purchased

or reserved, at any rate. Travel, Lodgings, Membership, all arranged. And I’ve got actual work and research to do at the show, …


I’m going to the Show! I think. the Frankster and I have been making our nefarious plans. Monday Morning Early we will …

In other news

The Pizza didn’t hurt me too bad. Up slightly from yesterday, but it’s dehydration weight. My tea, and this year soon to …

Play it , Steve!

While I’m certainly not at my best, I feel the need to hang out with folks. Pretty sure I’m not contagious. In …

Not enough time

Once again, I have been going through life and enjoying the hell out of it over the last few weeks. Not a …

quick note from the road

My spirit feels fantastic. Something happened in my brain earlier this week, and I’m going to come out strongly with the proposition …


in 4 hours, I leave for Indianapolis. I will be mostly incommunicado, but the occasional TM or email will get through. It’s …