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stupid bhagwan tricks, Page 12


“Your item was delivered at 10:04 AM on July 6, 2009 in NEW YORK, NY 10010.” I intend to win the waiting …

The hums, the hums

Today I once again captain the starship Couch Time. The weekend brought many adventures, most of which involved both outside and people, …

New member of the family

Before anyone starts thinking this is a mushy, happy post, Let me say up front that it’s not about cats.


This hurts me. A lot. Mmmmm, deep hurting, with bonus hacking LoLs

Stealing signs

Another indicator of the looming GrownUpAcalypse is that it is now nearly June, and I have not yet had a day/week of …

These people are CRAZY

Really, why is there a debate? My entry, to spare you the 5 minutes of pain that is reading their replies. there …

Brought to you by…

AS in, “tonight’s sleepless hours are” And the answer is, Joint Pain. Blinding, twitching, leg spasming joint pain. Bad enough that I …

so get this

this is not an actual “update, so you know what he’s been doing the last month or so” post, but this one …