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stupid bhagwan tricks, Page 14


having completed the Available episodes of Jericho, I now continue my great savings by not paying between $60 and 100 for the …


I dawned on me this morning that the main reason I was not using Netflix’s watch instantly feature was that I did …


None of you can see it, and few of you will, but the room in which I sit has undergone a major …

last litle bit

an easy day today, but these words all count. connected a gap that I had, discovered a character (again), and realized now …

Ugh, ick, and bleh

I sit before you with a foul taste in my mouth, proof that grounds can indeed go “bad” even if stored in …


Nasty, churning gut tells me that a certain several somethings were not the best of ideas for eating today. Ooof. will do …

Possible Possibility

I have a possible hit for a job here in Seattle (Eastside, but hey). Will know more in a couple days, but …

It’s the little things

Shift a word here, a phrase there, look at something from two steps back, and it all changes a little bit I …

Back at it

After a week of no writing (no progress, anyway), I managed to spend a couple hours this afternoon and better flesh out …

Wednesday words

Today was a day of great job searching, with the accumulated emails of hte entire weekend hitting all at once. Apparently there …