Price yet to be determined But so, so worth it My spreadsheets will be simply amazing on that screen. Also, you know …
Price yet to be determined But so, so worth it My spreadsheets will be simply amazing on that screen. Also, you know …
So, November was a record month for me in terms of output, both at work, in personal life, and here on the …
to an interesting weekend of fun. Several proto-offerings, then a week of relaxation. there are still tasks to be done, and tales …
That is an anacronym, yes. Several weeks ago, I decided to cut Sodas out of my daily routine. I found that I …
I. Am. SO PSYCHED! Time machine. Right now. Set coordinates for May, 2008. Bring booze.
to Silent Bob
This bottle of fine (cheap) merlot totally has a defective cork, and cannot be resealed. Whatever am I to do? wait, that …
Lean, that is. I’ve been hovering at +6 for the last 5 days, and I had a suspicion heading though the weekend …
Thinking about the book. A lot. 3 hours of somewhat restless sleep. I just started reading the book I want to write. …
Although I had an epiphany of sorts regarding the first half of Chapter 5. I’ll put pen to paper tonight for a …