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stupid bhagwan tricks, Page 24

And Now,

for something completely similar. Having achieved a word count goal, it’s now time to finish the damn thing. 50,247 / 120,000(41.0%) That’s …

Give thanks

I have a lot of personal happiness at this time of year, and an equal amount of sorrow. It’s a tricky, tricky …

Monday Night Wordplay

Transcription of more of the new plot elements, character expansion, and firming up the time line. Not what I wanted to accomplish …

An update

Back home am I, and I have been given pretty specific instructions to be in bed by 10 PM. So, odds are …

quick update

not a lot of work today, the convention has been occupying my time, and allowing my brain to recharge a bit. I …

OryCon, HO!

SO, last year at this time, I was already well into my cups, and enjoying every minute of it. Tonight, just the …

Only posting

Because I wanted to get the info from Foxy Tunes on this song. Nothing else to see here, so move on along, …

Note to self

When you develop a Grand Unified Theory of Supernatural creatures, remember three important things 1) It really IS time to go to …

Inner Editor, for the win?

Couldn’t help myself. Damn thing needed to make more sense. wordcount widgets Now organized into three sections, rather than the previously planned …

Lucky 13

wordcount widgets I have to stop now. I think that some of this last batch are not the right words, and my …