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Day 10


Nasty, churning gut tells me that a certain several somethings were not the best of ideas for eating today. Ooof. will do …

Wednesday words

Today was a day of great job searching, with the accumulated emails of hte entire weekend hitting all at once. Apparently there …


It’s 3 AM, go figure. Last night, I pushed on from my success with Chapter 10 all the way to the end …


Packed, printed, and ready to go. Things always look different on paper, you know. Especially when you are massively overcharged for the …


Here I am. Annoying, piercing voices aside, today is a good day. At least, so far. Again, breakfast was a fist full …


That is an anacronym, yes. Several weeks ago, I decided to cut Sodas out of my daily routine. I found that I …

…and Mean

Lean, that is. I’ve been hovering at +6 for the last 5 days, and I had a suspicion heading though the weekend …

Ego Kiss before Dying

Yes, it’s one of those posts The recent bouts with illness, dairy and Cake have put me on a bit of a …

Inner Editor, for the win?

Couldn’t help myself. Damn thing needed to make more sense. wordcount widgets Now organized into three sections, rather than the previously planned …

For the record

I feel fantastic. I just can’t sleep regularly, for some reason. It’s not the caffeine, or the hydration, or the diet, or …