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crazy weight maintenance, Page 6

up and at ’em

So, crashed for about 6 hours, and got up to rehydrate. Thought I’d just go right back to sleep, but I got …

Still going

Amazing, but true. Today, I broke my work record* (conventions don’t count), but Not my personal awake time. You’d have to come …

Ladies and Gentlemen

the time is now 12:50 AM. I am here to report the following things I am still at work. I have just …

And We’re off!

From a weekend low of 168, to a mid afternoon Sunday high of 175, I have successfully navigated the Weekend back to …

mmmm, fruit

may have overdone it with the crunchy bits, but it tasted sooooo good. Now I want Chicken. Who wants to join me …

get this

SO I’m hungry. Not all that unexpected, since it has been 4 1/2 hours since I ate. There’s an art intern that …


So back under again, at 169. Don’t expect it to last out the weekend, especially since I just had a bowl of …

That IS

A tasty beverage. Still feeling the effects somewhat. That may be a very, very dangerous combination of tastes. 169 with a bullet …

The weekend that was

I spent it around the house, not in front of the computer. as such, no updates for you. Until now, that is.

Checking in

An amazingly fun weekend full of booze, fantastic food, and situps. Lots and lots of them. Started working out again last week, …