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stupid bhagwan tricks, Page 13

Food time

Specifically, the preparation and consumption of. I have written previously that It generally takes me longer to eat my meals than to …

Check yes or no

These are always full of interesting things. And each new post undoubtedly brings still more interesting things. You can ONLY answer Yes …


I have made such statements before, but today’s ~7000 words are among the finest I have ever written. The new structure is …


So several weeks ago, I purchased some 2-liter bottles of soda while very sick/fuzzy headed. Yesterday, I cracked one of them , …


It’s 5:30 AM. Despite Tuesday’s very not restful rest period, and a very productive day which included creativity, walkies, FOOD, walkies, SHOPPINGalsofood,walkies, …

Well Then…

via lj user jennawaterford I refute the site’s unspoken assumption that Star Wars is Better than Star Trek. As illustrated here, on …

New Year, Old Life

Not a lot I felt like writing about in the last month, but all sorts of nice things did happen to me. …