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stupid bhagwan tricks, Page 19

X-3. The last Gasp

This movie sucks so hard, there are new levels of suck enabled to catalog its suckitude. I have not purchased this movie …

My cupboards, they is bare

Ran into part of this last night, but was thinking that I had breakfast covered. I do, but it’s TOMORROW’s breakfast. SO …

Progress, such as it is

5-6000 words today, depending on how you count it. Some words were removed, some others were altered. But I can now announce …

Stuck with a Middle review

So I fell off the wagon last week, and discovered again just how addicted I am to Dairy and Bread. Two things, …

La Vida Bhagwan

So sometimes, my life takes me places. An otherwise interesting diversion or series of events, puts me exactly in the right place, …

tweet tweet

So here’s my Independance day in texts, sent <140 characters at a time (11:09 AM July 04, 2008) BhagwanX Happy anniversary, colonists. …

I haz

A desire for food and drink, and no real need to be at work tomorrow. I also have not slept yet. To …

Dear Universe

You know what would be awesome? 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. And by 4, I mean 3 enough is enough, really. PLZ? …

Mandatory weekly update

Although there is really not that much to tell. Several projects I have been working on have concluded positively, but several more …

almost, and rambles

8 hours, in shifts. I believe the term is “power naps”, but last night I was feeling a little naseous, so I …