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stupid bhagwan tricks, Page 26

Run, Runner!

So on amazingly short notice (for me), I decided to take in a special screening of Blade Runner: the Final Cut at …

Two days

On Thursday, I will commence with the madness of NaNoWriMo. Having revisited this topic ad naseaum, Just wanted to remind folks of …

take two

So, I sit here at the slowest connecting portal in the DIA. I thought it might be nice to log in real …

It’s a little bit funny

to be prepping for a trip over 24 hours beforehand. But here I am, doing my traditional pre-flight ritual. Because tomorrow (or …


it’s just me, but it certainly seems like there’s a lot less wine per bottle these days. Go figure. In other news, …

Ey r3j3c diz azrtyon

However, I have indeed spent 4 times the “purchase price” of my new telephone in accessories in the last 24 hours. you’ll …

simply amazing

The fruit works every time. 48 hours, and I’m back down to goal weight. Not as low as I was Saturday morning, …


In related news, I had an odd set of dreams this morning regarding the Series attendance, in which three completely separate scenarios …

Ow, redux.

I had exactly one drink last night, and today I feel “worse” than I did after Friday night’s “fun.” The reason? Yesterday’s …