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Television, Page 9


In related news, I had an odd set of dreams this morning regarding the Series attendance, in which three completely separate scenarios …

Ow, redux.

I had exactly one drink last night, and today I feel “worse” than I did after Friday night’s “fun.” The reason? Yesterday’s …

Make plans!

To make plans I am soooo going. who’s with me

Running hot

Slight fever, scratchy throat and general achey. Headache like you wouldn’t believe, and it’s not due to dehydration. there are a raft …

7 more

Request feedback as a comment, and I will pick seven of your “stated interests”. You then explain your choice of them in …

Living in High Definition

I admit, I don’t make as much use of my cable service as I should. In fact, until three days ago, I’d …

24, take 2

I have spent half a day with Jack Bauer, on the 2nd worst day of his life I will sleep better tonight, …