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NaNoWriMo, Page 3

Rolling start

Really? Three and a half hours? Finished watching nighttime dramas (from now on to be referred to as “my programs”) around 11:30, …

Day 9 on, and in, the books

Another 3500 words today, total for November now at 33101. Today also included a surprising 600 words of necessary padding for days …


Just wrapped a couple chapters of tight, robot-on-robot combat scenes which bring me just shy of the 30K milestone. And better yet, …

Dear intar webs

Today I almost made myself cry while writing. To illustrate what a twisted individual I am, I was writing for the “villain.” …

Dear Universe…

Thanks. No, really. I mean it. What would a day be without more day? Yesterday’s 2.5 hours of sleep was awesome, especially …

Bhrow, winds. Bhrow!

I’ve got rain and thunder outside my walls and windows, giving the City of Shoreline, WA many things in common with Phoenix, …

That’ll do, pig

7104 words today, doubling and then some progress made on FLORA, with 15921 down for the week/month. I’m a lot happier with …

All apped up

My thanks go out to Miki, who let me thumb, or rather, index finger, through her apps on Sunday. It never would …

Words, words, words

Posting again from the iPod, and again I am unable to edit and upload text directly. It’s an issue with Safari and …

Quick up to the date

Still settling back in to my own life after many days as a guest and tourist, but there’s always time to write. …