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crazy weight maintenance, Page 4

What a gloriously

Saturday Saturday. I have the vaguest of activity plans, any and all of which are completely optional, and not to terrible expensive. …

I can Haz Freedom

This morning’s Gigantic Cinammon Roll (subsequently chased by a delicious yogurt parfait) has now been fully processed, leaving me with teh Hunger. …

Run, Runner!

So on amazingly short notice (for me), I decided to take in a special screening of Blade Runner: the Final Cut at …

Ow, redux.

I had exactly one drink last night, and today I feel “worse” than I did after Friday night’s “fun.” The reason? Yesterday’s …


Apologies to all involved. Certainly not the planned outcome for last night. In retrospect, the blue thing was a bad idea, as …


So, I made this Parfait 11 days ago, out of the remnants of an impromptu dessert session that was too yummy to …

I Said G$^%$@N

This is some fantastic wine right here. This bottle did not taste this good with the other two glasses I sampled. It …

Running hot

Slight fever, scratchy throat and general achey. Headache like you wouldn’t believe, and it’s not due to dehydration. there are a raft …


So, I was slightly worried that a couple bits of extra food, and quite a bit of extra drink here and there …